
Bisexual, Christian and Still Loved

Click here to see my full coming out video. I never thought I would be writing this type of blog post and yet, here I am. The video above speaks a lot for itself and I hope you take the time to watch it. (I also said I would be posting this on my birthday next week, but I felt moved to post it earlier.) I am tired of living behind a fake version of me. The one who is "straight" and is only attracted to men. I've known myself to be bisexual for quite sometime now. But I hid it from everyone and dated men publicly in an attempt to prove to myself that I wasn't different. It was only in the past year that I began to accept myself for who I am. I came out to my husband at the beginning of the month and have officially come out to y family in the past week. So, yes. I am bisexual. And I am Christian. And I am loved by a God who created me from His image. I know a lot of people won't see it that way and will argue with me. I'm sure people will be cur

Come As You Are

Hey friends. Sorry for not posting often. When I first started blogging, I thought that posting every week was a good thing and something I had to do. However, I have realized that I only really like to blog when I feel like all my feelings can't be spoken...when writing/typing my feelings gets them out better. So, here I am. A lot has been going on in the world, lately. And my heart hurts. Oh gracious, my heart hurts. And perhaps, I'll come back to write about what's going on and how you can help. However, today I was angry. And I've been angry for quite some time. You know, ever since the government officially shut down everything and made everyone stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID, churches have been closed. Most churches are doing online services to continue to stay connected and aren't participating in onsite services. At the time, I understood completely. I was more focused on how to stop the spread of this virus and what we needed to do to sav

Beauty From Pain

Hi there. It's been a while, huh? Sorry for the months of silence. I've been struggling a lot mentally and spiritually. I felt like I wasn't at a place to write anything to you guys because I was so confused. I felt like I wasn't going to give you my best, so I took a little time off. I can't say that I've fully come back to the place I was when I started this blog again. And I probably won't be there for a while, but I do feel like I am at a place where I can start writing again. So, I wanted to share a little about what I did today. Since I was in middle school, I have struggled with my self image. Like most teen girls, I wanted to be skinny and pretty and cool and popular. And I never felt as such. When I was a preteen I started a bad habit of picking at my skin. Whether it be a pimple, a scratch, a bug bite, etc. I would scratch and itch and pick until it bled. In a way, this was my coping mechanism. It was how I displayed self harm without picking up

Here I Bow Down

Oh goodness, every week I am caught off guard by God's words to me. And let me tell you, this week was no different. To be honest, in the past weeks and months, I have struggled to hear God's voice in my life. I've always found peace and comfort when I pray and worship. And I've felt those same things in church on Sundays and at small group on Tuesdays. But I never heard God speaking to me. It had actually been a while since He had personally spoken to me and I found myself praying more and more in hopes to hear His voice. Here's the thing: my life is busy. I work a full time job that even takes time from me when I'm supposed to be off. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for anything at the moment. I am just constantly responding to emails and calls and working on posts for our social media accounts. And when I'm not doing that, I'm at home trying to get my life together there. I'm taking care of my dog, spending ti

Grace Like an Avalanche

Hi friends. Sorry it's been a while. Things have gotten pretty buys around here and I haven't had time to sit and write. One of those things included taking a trip to Pennsylvania to take about 20 dogs to a rescue up there! I went with my sister-in-law and we had tons of fun. We left Friday afternoon, got there Saturday morning and then drove back and were home Sunday at midnight. It was a very tiresome trip, but fun nonetheless. Check out the video below to see highlights! So, work has obviously been very busy and so has life. But, I won't dwell on that. In fact, I'd love to sit here and talk to you all about grace. Specifically, God's grace for us. A little over a week ago, I was at my small group and we've been discussing Peter and how we can relate to him in our lives. It's already been really eye opening and I'm loving every minute of it. I've even found myself reading more about Peter outside of the Bible and learning about who he was


What's up everyone. I'm sorry it's so late. I just got back from my Bible study group and the entire drive home, my fingers were itching to write. So, here I am eating cold french fries and drinking milk and working on this post. (A fair warning to some, what I want to talk about tonight can be triggering to some people, so read with caution.) This past week has been a little busy with work and what not, but shockingly, I got a three day weekend to relax. Amazing, I know. Today, however, I jumped right back in to work and cooking dinner with my husband and I realized my Bible study group started tonight. I was pumped. Like I've mentioned before, I haven't had a true small group of people I can turn to since high school. I was ready to meet everyone and to dig into the Word. I get there tonight and as everyone is arriving, I am quick to realize that I am one of the youngest women there. I was definitely the only one without any kids of her own. There were wom


When I was little, I always had a fear of riding a bike. In fact, it took me a long time--much longer than it took my other friends---before I felt comfortable riding around the neighborhood. And all this fear was rooted in falling off that bike. I was terrified to fall off my bike and hurt myself. I had seen countless injuries from my friends, from broken bones to scraped knees. I remember my parents teaching me that I can't be scared to fall if I wanted to ride a bike. I had to learn how to fall first. So I practiced falling. Over and over again, I fell onto the grass until I felt comfortable enough to get on my bike and fall off. And what do you know...I overcame my fear and even walked away with a couple of battle scars of my own to show my friends. Our relationship with God needs to be just like this. We need to be willing to fall in order for Him to catch us.  When I first went to school in Georgia, I thought I would be safe from the world. With over 27,000 privately